Canadian Singer Songwriter


Jeff Standfield discovered the power and beauty of music as a young boy, drawn to the guitar and inspired by his folk singing parents. Growing up he developed a knack for songwriting and performing became a way to express himself and entertain others. 

When Jeff was young, he sustained a spinal chord injury causing permanent paralysis in his legs. Despite this challenge, he excelled as a three time Paralympic Games swimmer, world record holder and world ranked rower. He has also worked with thousands of people as a counsellor, and and negotiator. Jeff draws on these experiences as a performer, and speaker.


Talented members of the band past and present include:

Ted Emes 

Neil Thompson 

Grant Gilron 

Dave Standfield 

Dave Symington

Graeme Wyman 

Bryden Veinot


Jeff has performed on the same bill with amazing artists that include the Odds, Spirit of the West, Jim Byrnes, Dan Moxon and Colin James